miércoles, 23 de enero de 2013

The hotel Don Pancho in Benidorm increases its presence in social media.

The hotel Don Pancho opens some new social network profiles to secure the communication with its clients.

The hotel Don Pancho has started a new strategy to increase and consolidate its presence in social media.
This strategy is not only based in appearing in these networks, this hotel in Benidorm is determined to have an active presence in them.

The main target is to increase the communication channels with its present and potential customers.

Customers' evolution
With the creation of social networks, customers have change from somebody that could only absorb and select the information that was given to someone that is totally active in that information and has a lot of power.

Nowadays, customers have the ability of taking all the decisions and can influence importantly in a business, product or service reputation. Social networks are the main tools that clients use to obtain and share information.

The 2.0 customers are a very important part of how a business, make or product can build a good reputation online.

Businesses evolution
With the appearance of social networks, businesses had to change the way they focus things. Nowadays, it does not enter anybody's mind that a business has not got a presence on the Internet if it wants to survive. Businesses' presence in social networks is more than necessary.

Although, just being present in this kind of channels is not enough. The behaviour of the 2.0 customers makes necessary that businesses take a more active role in social networks.

Businesses must update their information; share it with their followers and with other businesses from their same sector. They should realize that social networks are a new way of communication that goes direct to their clients. Consequently, they must know what is being written in real time and participate of these comments to create a feeling of mutual collaboration, converting them in a 2.0 business.

The 2.0 business is the other important part to build a reputation online for a business, make or product.

Social Media is the way
Using the words 'social networks' we are referring to all the Internet sites focus on the creation of communities with a specific finality as, for example, getting old friends together, work colleagues, customers of a certain product, people that enjoy travelling or doing exercise, etc.

These networks have become the main tool to increase business reputation. There are loads of examples of tools that are updating their content with this finality, for example, the business profiles is Facebook, Google + or Twitter, as well as some other sites directly focus on the online reputation of some specific sectors, like TripAdvisor, Ciao, etc.

Hotel Don Pancho in the main social networks
The hotel Don Pancho increases its presence in the main social networks with the target of bettering the communication with its present and potential customers.
With this finality they have created new business profiles in Facebook, Twitter and Google + as well as a blog: hotel-benidorm.blogspot.com. Considering that it is one of the well-known hotels in Benidorm it has been included in some multimedia websites such as Youtube or some picture sharing sites as Pinterest or Flickr.

Don Pancho
Hotel in Benidorm

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